
Less Than 1 %

Less than 1% of global water is accessible freshwater, the sole source for drinking water and crop irrigation. Accessible Freshwater is found in rivers, lakes, aquifers, and groundwater. Non-accessible freshwater is found in glaciers and polar ice caps, and not accessible for human use.

Freshwater comes primarily from rivers, lakes, and aquifers and is the sole source for drinking water and crop irrigation. It is also used significantly in industry. In the U.S., only 13% of all water used is saline; 5% of that is used for industry and 56% of that is for mining. (Sources: USGS Saline Water Use, USGS Water Data, USGS Saline Water & Salinity)

Global Water Data

Source: World Water Reserve | Hover over chart segments to view data.

Basic Water Glossary

Groundwater is any water found in the ground. Aquifers are freshwater contained in rock or soil. A water table is where the top of the water in an unconfined aquifer meets the soil or above. A watershed consists of a body of water (rivers, lakes, marshes, wetlands) and the land around it where water drains from the land into the body of water. It also includes the groundwater. Watersheds are sometimes called water basins, drainage basins, or catchment basins. (Source: USGS Watersheds & Drainage Basins)

River Maps

All the Rivers in the U.S.
River Runner (follow a river course)
Interactive Map of Streams & Rivers (U.S.)
Explore Rivers Around the World

National Groundwater Monitoring

An interactive map displaying U.S. aquifers with water quality and water level legend.

Water Protection Organizations

Conservation International
United Nations on Water

A resident-activated clean water program.


Karen Kopacz

Design for the Arts provides brand engagement and creative campaigns for print, Web and multi-media initiatives. Brand developer and designer Karen Kopacz partners with forward-thinking entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations to strategically and creatively accomplish goals.

